####################### Customisation: Settings ####################### Photologue has several settings to customise behaviour. PHOTOLOGUE_GALLERY_LATEST_LIMIT ------------------------------- Default: ``None`` Default limit for gallery.latest PHOTOLOGUE_GALLERY_SAMPLE_SIZE ------------------------------ Default: ``5`` Number of random images from the gallery to display. PHOTOLOGUE_IMAGE_FIELD_MAX_LENGTH --------------------------------- Default: ``100`` max_length setting for the ImageModel ImageField PHOTOLOGUE_SAMPLE_IMAGE_PATH ---------------------------- Default: ``os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'res', 'sample.jpg'))`` Path to sample image PHOTOLOGUE_MAXBLOCK ------------------- Default: ``256 * 2 ** 10`` Modify image file buffer size. PHOTOLOGUE_DIR -------------- Default: ``'photologue'`` The relative path from your ``MEDIA_ROOT`` setting where Photologue will save image files. If your ``MEDIA_ROOT`` is set to "/home/user/media", photologue will upload your images to "/home/user/media/photologue" PHOTOLOGUE_PATH --------------- Default: ``None`` Look for user function to define file paths. Specifies a "callable" that takes a model instance and the original uploaded filename and returns a relative path from your ``MEDIA_ROOT`` that the file will be saved. This function can be set directly. For example you could use the following code in a util module:: # myapp/utils.py: import os def get_image_path(instance, filename): return os.path.join('path', 'to', 'my', 'files', filename) Then set in settings:: # settings.py: from utils import get_image_path PHOTOLOGUE_PATH = get_image_path Or instead, pass a string path:: # settings.py: PHOTOLOGUE_PATH = 'myapp.utils.get_image_path' .. _settings-photologue-multisite-label: PHOTOLOGUE_MULTISITE -------------------- Default: ``False`` Photologue can integrate galleries and photos with `Django's site framework`_. Default is for this feature to be switched off, as only a minority of Django projects will need it. In this case, new galleries and photos are automatically linked to the current site (``SITE_ID = 1``). The Sites many-to-many field is hidden is the admin, as there is no need for a user to see it. If the setting is ``True``, the admin interface is slightly changed: * The Sites many-to-many field is displayed on Gallery and Photos models. * The Gallery Upload allows you to associate one more sites to the uploaded photos (and gallery). .. note:: Gallery Uploads (zip archives) are always associated with the current site. Pull requests to fix this would be welcome! .. _Django's site framework: http://django.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ref/contrib/sites.html