Customising and extending

Extending templates

Photologue comes with a set of basic templates to get you started quickly - you can of course replace them with your own. That said, it is possible to extend the basic templates in your own project and override various blocks, for example to add css classes. Often this will be enough.

The trick to extending the templates is not special to Photologue, it’s used in other projects such as Oscar.

First, set up your template configuration as so:


from photologue import PHOTOLOGUE_APP_DIR
    ...other template folders...,

The PHOTOLOGUE_APP_DIR points to the directory above Photologue’s normal templates directory. This means that path/to/photologue/template.html can also be reached via templates/path/to/photologue/template.html.

For example, to customise photologue/gallery_list.html, you can have an implementation like:

# Create your own photologue/gallery_list.html
{% extends "templates/photologue/gallery_list.html" %}

... we are now extending the built-in gallery_list.html and we can override
the content blocks that we want to customise ...


Photologue has several settings to customise behaviour; at present this part of the documentation is unfortunately incomplete.


Default: False

If you have already installed django-ckeditor then you can use to edit the TextArea fields of Gallery and Photo in the admin. Simply set the setting to True.


Default: 20

Number of photos to display per page for PhotoListView.


Default: 100

max_length setting for the ImageModel ImageField


Default: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'res', 'sample.jpg'))

Path to sample image


Default: 256 * 2 ** 10

Modify image file buffer size.


Default: 'photologue'

The relative path from your MEDIA_ROOT setting where Photologue will save image files. If your MEDIA_ROOT is set to “/home/user/media”, photologue will upload your images to “/home/user/media/photologue”


Default: None

Look for user function to define file paths. Specifies a “callable” that takes a model instance and the original uploaded filename and returns a relative path from your MEDIA_ROOT that the file will be saved. This function can be set directly.

For example you could use the following code in a util module:

# myapp/

import os

def get_image_path(instance, filename):
    return os.path.join('path', 'to', 'my', 'files', filename)

Then set in settings:


from utils import get_image_path

PHOTOLOGUE_PATH = get_image_path

Or instead, pass a string path:


PHOTOLOGUE_PATH = 'myapp.utils.get_image_path'

Third-party contributions

Photologue has a ‘contrib’ folder that includes some useful tweaks to the base project. At the moment, we have just one contribution:

Bootstrap templates

Replaces the normal templates with a new set that work well with Bootstrap.

To use these, edit your TEMPLATE_DIRS setting:

from photologue import PHOTOLOGUE_APP_DIR
    os.path.join(PHOTOLOGUE_APP_DIR, 'contrib/bootstrap/templates'),
    ... other folders containing Photologue templates should come after...

The templates are incomplete - for example, we are missing templates for date-filtered galleries and photos. Pull requests are welcome!