############ Installation ############ Introduction ------------ The easiest way to install Photologue is with pip:: pip install django-photologue You can verify Photologue is available to your project by running the following commands from within your project directory:: manage.py shell >>> import photologue >>> photologue.VERSION (2, 0, 'rc1') Dependencies ------------ * `PIL `_. * `South `_. These 2 apps will be installed automatically if they are not already there. Photologue also uses the Django admin app, `so enable it if you have not already done so `_. Configure Your Django Settings ------------------------------ #. Add 'photologue' to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ...other installed applications, 'photologue', 'south', ) #. Confirm that your `MEDIA_ROOT `_ and `MEDIA_URL `_ settings are correct (Photologue will store uploaded files in a folder called 'photologue' under your ``MEDIA_ROOT``). Add the urls ------------ Add photologue to your projects urls.py file:: urlpatterns += patterns('', ... (r'^photologue/', include('photologue.urls')), ) Sync Your Database ------------------ Use South to setup the new tables:: python manage.py migrate photologue After the database in initialized, run the following command to setup some default values for Photologue:: python manage.py plinit Instant Photo Gallery --------------------- Photologue comes with basic templates for galleries and photos. You can of course override them, or completely replace them. Note that all Photologue templates inherit from ``photologue/root.html``, which itself just inherits from a site-wide ``base.html`` - you can change this to use a different base template.