########################## Contributing to Photologue ########################## Contributions are always very welcome. Even if you have never contributed to an open-source project before - please do not hesitate to offer help. Fixes for typos in the documentation, extra unit tests, etc... are welcome. And look in the issues list for anything tagged "easy_win". Workflow -------- Django-photologue is hosted on Github, so if you have not already done so, read the excellent `Github help pages `_. We try to keep the workflow as simple as possible, so we more-or-less follow the recommendations in the `"GitHub Flow" blog post `_. * The "more or less" is because we don't do immediate releases. Coding style ------------ Nothing surprising here - just try to `follow the conventions used by Django itself `_. New features ------------ If you’re interested in developing a new feature for Photologue, it is recommended that you first discuss it on the `mailing list `_ so as not to do any work that might not get merged in anyway. Unit tests ---------- Including unit tests with your contributions will earn you bonus points, maybe even a beer. So write plenty of tests. Documentation ------------- Keeping the documentation up-to-date is very important - so if your code changes how Photologue works, please check that the documentation is still accurate, and update it if required. We use `Sphinx `_ to prepare the documentation; please refer to the excellent docs on that site for help. P.S. The CHANGELOG is part of the documentation :-) so if your patch needs the end user to do something - e.g. run a South migration - don't forget to update it! Translations ------------ `Photologue manages the application translations with Transifex `_. Contributions are very welcome, either by editing the translations directly on the Transifex site, or by submitting pull requests with updated .po files. Finally ------- Remember that the maintainer looks after django-photologue in his spare time - so it might be a few weeks before your pull request gets looked at... and the pull requests that are nicely formatted, with code, tests and docs included, will always get reviewed first :-)