

The easiest way to install Photologue is with pip:

pip install django-photologue

You can verify Photologue is available to your project by running the following commands from within your project directory: shell
>>> import photologue
>>> photologue.VERSION
(2, 0, 'rc1')


These 2 apps will be installed automatically if they are not already there.

Photologue also uses the Django admin app, so enable it if you have not already done so.

Configure Your Django Settings

  1. Add ‘photologue’ to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:

         # ...other installed applications,
  2. Confirm that your MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL settings are correct (Photologue will store uploaded files in a folder called ‘photologue’ under your MEDIA_ROOT).

Add the urls

Add photologue to your projects file:

urlpatterns += patterns('',
    (r'^photologue/', include('photologue.urls')),

Sync Your Database

Use South to setup the new tables:

python migrate photologue

After the database in initialized, run the following command to setup some default values for Photologue:

python plinit

Project Versions

Table Of Contents

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Welcome to django-photologue’s documentation!

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Contributing to Photologue

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